Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Meeting Minutes - 10/16/08
-11/16, Red gym, Disney Hercules
-room pending...
2. T-shirts
-decided on new design (gladiator bucky w/colosseum in background)
-come w/ideas for new slogan on shirt next meeting
-will be offering t-shirts ($10), long sleeve T's ($13, 2/$25), and sweatshirts ($25, 2/$40)
-several colors?
3. Homecoming
-10/24, staging at 2 (Langdon), line up by 4:15
-if you plan on participating, be on Langdon by 4 pm
-wear myth/hero attire for the parade
4. Symposium
-10/24, after the parade (anytime after 7?)
-125 N Randall Ave (blue house across from camp randall arch)
-myth/hero attire or toga required
5. Info from Mr. Beneker
-12/4, Auricula Meretricula performance 1418 VH
-Ralph Rosen 10/29 luncheon 951VH, also lecture 10/30 1418VH
-"The Greeks" play, runs 11/5-11/23
-possible activity w/faculty (ice-skating, skiing?)
6. Speaker
-trying to get Gregory Daughtery to speak this spring
-several possible topics
7. Tradition
-we thought it would be a good idea to establish a some kind of annual tradition w/in the classics society, come to the next meeting with ideas
8. Food Sales
-little caesar's is our cheapest bet for profit, sale date has been pushed back to 11/12
*for next meeting:
-come w/ideas for a new t-shirt slogan and a tradition
*don't forget about the homecoming parade and symposium this Friday!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Upcoming Events as of 10/5/08
The Homecoming Committee is being headed by Andrea, so please email her ( with any questions!
We will be celebrating Saturnalia on Thursday, December 4th, from 4:30-6:30 in room 1418 Van Hise!
Our next meeting will be at 5:00 PM on October 16th TITU.
Our Constitution
The Constitution of
The Classics Society
1. Purpose
The Purpose of the Classics Society is to provide a place for undergraduates of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who have an interest in the Classical World, to connect for social networking in the world of Classical scholarship and for expanding their own and others’ horizons.
2. Membership
For Membership one must be present at least two meetings per semester. If a conflict occurs, one may talk to the President for overruling of this rule. No dues are needed for membership.
3. Officers
a. Rules for Voting/Assuming Office
Officers will be self-nominated at the second to last meeting of the school year. Elections will then take place the last meeting of the year. Those nominated must have membership standing. One can run for more than one office, but upon election may only assume one position. If more than two people run for the same office, a primary election will be held at the second to last meeting of the year. Graduating seniors may vote in this primary election, but not in the final election. At least five eligible voters must be present to have a vote for officers. Voting is to go in the following order: President, Vice President, and lastly Treasurer. In the event of a resignation of any office other than Treasurer, the person in the office directly below that position will have the opportunity to assume the vacant position. If not, another election will be held to fill it.
b. Offices and Duties
i. President – This office presides over meetings and is in primary contact with the faculty advisor. The President will call votes, but not vote unless there is a tie in voting. The President will also coordinate agendas for meetings and monitor the finances of the Society
ii. Vice President – The Vice President will preside over meetings in absence of President. Has the ability of assume presidency in case of resignation of President. The Vice President will maintain membership and attendance for the Society and keep minutes of the meetings.
iii. Treasurer – This office will maintain financial records for the school year and make them available at each meeting. The Treasurer will be in charge of processing transactions after approvals and report there transactions at meetings.
c. Impeachment
In the event in which a member wants to call for resignation of an officer, that person will meet with the faculty advisor and call to attention their grievances. The faculty advisor will decide if this is a valid reason for the call of resignation. If it is, at the next meeting the faculty advisor will call for a vote of resignation. That officer in question will have a chance to defend him or herself and then there will be a vote. Two-thirds the majority is needed.
4. Voting
Voting is to be called at official meetings by the President. All monetary items over $30 must be voted on by the Society at an official meeting and be passed by a simple majority. The monetary item must be announced one week before the meeting and everyone present at the meeting (excluding the President, who will only vote in case of a tie) can cast a vote. Anything under $30 does not need a week notice, and does not need to be called for a vote. Everyone may only vote once. For Voting for Officers, please see section 3.a of the Constitution.
5. Meetings
Meetings are to be called to order by the President or highest-ranking officer present. All meeting times should be approved by the faculty advisor and all officers before the first meeting of the semester and then voted on by the Society. While more are encouraged, at least four meetings and two events open to campus must be held every semester.
6. Amendments
A vote must be called two weeks in advanced, with the amendment(s) having been stated. The President calls a vote and the amendment must pass with two-thirds the majority of those present at the meeting.