Classics Society

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Upcoming Greg Daugherty Lectures

Ever wonder how the ancient queen became a modern icon & an advertising tool?

Join us April 6th at the Chazen at 5:30 and hear the dynamic Professor Daugherty give his exciting lecture!

Professor Gregory N. Daugherty of Randolph-Macon College in Ashland VA is an expert on Cleopatra and will be giving two lectures on April 6th!

1. "It's Theda Bara Meets Princess Leia: A Social History of the Snake Bra!"
12pm, Room 1418 Van Hise Hall

2. "Her Infinite Variety: Cleopatra in American Popular Culture"
5:30pm, Room L140 Chazen Museum of Art

This event is hosted by Classic Society, University Lectures Committee, Department of Classics, Phi Alpha Theta, & the Classics Graduate Student Forum

If you have any questions or would like to be invited through Facebook to these events, please email Sean at

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meeting Minutes 3/24/09

Meeting Minutes

1. T-shirts
-can’t get a 2nd order of original design
-currently working on a new design

2. Professor Daugherty
-need to advertise lectures, talk to Sean if you want to help (
-Dinner Sunday April 5th w/Professor Daugherty, Paisan’s 6:00pm, RSVP w/Sean
*“It’s Theda Bara Meets Princess Leia: A Social History of the Snake Bra;” 12:00pm, 1418 Van Hise Hall
*“Her Infinite Variety: Cleopatra in American Popular Culture;” 5:30pm, Room L140 Chazen

3. Other Upcoming Lectures:
*Cultural Heritage Preservation at Home and Abroad: From the Wisconsin State Capitol to the Campidoglio” Tony Rajer; Thursday, March 26th, 7:00pm, Wisconsin Historical Society Auditorium
*”Virgil’s Aeneid from the Aztecs to the Dark Virgin: Latin Poetry and Ethnohistory in Colonial Mexico” Andrew Laird; Tuesday, March 31st, 4:00pm, Room 204 Bradley Memorial

4. Olympics
-Committee meeting w/Ethan next week, contact Ethan if interested (
-Society Olympics presentation next meeting

5. Officer Positions
-primary elections for next year’s officers will take place next meeting
-if interested in being an officer (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Historian), contact Sean (—need to prepare a short paragraph concerning why you would make a good officer, also include desired office

*Next meeting will be April 14th