Classics Society

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Summer Reading List

Here's the Summer Reading List put together by our faculty panel, in case you're looking for some Classics-related entertainment!

- "Oneirocritica: Interpretation of Dreams" - Artemidorus (Ancient)
- "The Golden Ass" - Apuleius (Ancient)
- "True History" - Lucian (Ancient)
- "Satyricon" - Petronius (Ancient)
- "Letters from a Stoic" - Seneca the Younger (Ancient)
- "Symposium" - Plato (Ancient)
- "Collected Ancient Greek Novels" - B.P. Reardon (Modern; collection of ancient works)
- "The Name of the Rose" - Umberto Eco (Modern; a good novel for basic Latin practice)
- "The Ancient Economy" - Moses I. Finley (Modern; solid historical facts/analysis)
- "Eros the Bittersweet" - Anne Carson (Modern; ancient concepts of love)
- "Memoirs of Hadrian" - Marguerite Yourcenar (Modern; fictional letters of the emperor Hadrian)
- "Imperium" and "Lustrum" - Robert Harris (Modern; fiction centered around the life of Cicero)


Monday, April 14, 2014

Event Updates and More Upcoming Lectures!

Here are just some quick updates regarding a couple of events previously advertised (see the last post from 4/6 for details):

The Professor Panel (I'm SO excited!) is to be held on Thursday, April 24th from 2:30-4:00 PM in Van Hise 1418. So mark that calendar and start thinking of some things you'd like to ask and/or discuss with our fantastic Classics faculty! [Current Participants: Brockliss, Tate, Dressler, Nelsestuen.]

Secondly, the Classics Department's End of the Year Reception will be on Wednesday, April 30th from 4:30-5:30 PM in Union South! As with our meetings, be sure to check the Today in the Union (TITU) board upon your arrival in order to find the assigned room.

In other news, I've got two more lectures sponsored by the Classics Department that are free and open to the public:

Professor J. Donald Hughes of the University of Denver will be giving his lecture "Greening the Greeks, Recycling the Romans" on Tuesday, April 15th at 5:30 in Van Hise 104. Professor Hughes researches environmental history (particularly of the ancient world, but of other areas as well) and has given lectures around the world on the subject. His groundbreaking books, Ecology in Ancient Civilizations (1975) and Pan's Travail: The Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans (1994, now in a second edition as Environmental Problems of the Greeks and Romans: Ecology in the Ancient Mediterranean, 2014) demonstrated the inextricable links between the ancients and the environment, and argued persuasively that ecological factors played a major part in the decline of Greco-Roman civilization. Any with an interest in the environment/environmental studies and/or the ancient Mediterranean world should find this a real treat!

Professor Egbert Bakker of Yale University will be giving his lecture "In and Out of the Golden Age: The Temporality of Odysseus' Return" on Tuesday, April 29th at 5:30 in Van Hise 104.

                                                            Videbimus vos mox!


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Classics Society Events - April

Hey, everyone!
It looks like Spring may finally be here, and what better way to celebrate (or de-stress...) than having some Classics fun?! We've got a lot going on this month, so without further ado...

Classics Society, April 2014:    

We've got two more Study Nights this month - Tuesday the 8th and Tuesday the 22nd. It's a great opportunity to get a bit of scheduled study time in prior to midterms and finals, so feel free to stop on by! We'll be hanging out in the usual spot at the usual time (3251 College Library from 7-9 PM).

Also on Tuesday, April 8th - the Classics Lecture Series has organized a public lecture to be given by visiting professor Mark D. Stansbury-O'Donnell entitled "Greek Pursuit Scenes in Context." As chair of the Art History Department at the University of St. Thomas, Professor Stansbury-O'Donnell has research interests in the history of Ancient Greek art, including topics such as gender, identity, and pictorial narrative. Join us at 4 PM in room L140 of the Chazen Museum of Art!    

Our last General Meeting of the semester will be held on Wednesday, April 16th at 7:00 PM in Union South. As per usual, a room has yet to be determined (the Union will assign us one shortly before the event) so be sure to check the 'Today in the Union' board upon your arrival. We'll discuss our final events of the semester and be wrapping up any formal business (including t-shirts - see note below), which should leave us with just the fun bits!
     *NOTE*: This meeting will be your LAST CHANCE to pick-up your t-shirt if you ordered one this past semester. Please, please, please come to the meeting to grab yours or get in touch with me ( if you can't make it and we'll figure something out!

We're also in the process of organizing a Professor Panel to be held toward the end of this month! What is that, you ask? Basically, we'll be gathering together a group of UW-Madison Classics faculty members (likely 2-4) whom you will then have a chance to informally ask any manner of Classics-related questions of! Wanna know what getting a PhD is like? Wanna know what a certain course offered by the department consists of? Wanna ask what the Latin/Greek word for something is? Wanna ask what Classical work's their favorite? This will be your chance! When we get the details all hammered out, we'll be sure to let you know!

Lastly, the Classics Department's End of the Year Reception will be held on Wednesday, April 30th in Union South. All majors and certificate students are encouraged to come and celebrate the Classics Department's accomplishments this year over some tasty food! Stay posted as to the exact room and time!

I believe that's all for now - see you soon, and good luck on any upcoming projects/exams!