Classics Society

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Classics Updates

Here are just a few things to keep on your mind:

October 14 @ 6:30 -- Classics Society meeting in 2258 College Library (the same room that we meet for Study Nights)
October 16th @ 5:00pm -- Classics Lecture Series presents "Toward a Sociology of Aristotle's Poetics" by Dr. Martin Revermann in 6102 Social Science 

October 28 @ 5:00pm -- Monroe Street Public Library Classics Halloween event for elementary students (please come to the meeting to find out more information)

Please come to the meeting on Monday for more details and to give us your insight on everything including our club tour of the Chazen! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Come see the people who understand your love for Classics (and your dead language homework woes). 
We've all been there.
Study Night tonight (Oct. 7) from 6-8 PM at 2258 College Library! Hope to see you there!