Classics Society

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Homecoming Update

Unfortunately, we will not be participating in the Homecoming Parade this year. Due to the lack of interest and inability to meet before Friday to come up with a new idea, implement it, make costumes, etc. this decision makes sense. I think that CS would benefit from being in the parade, but not from an idea that we had to come up with on Tuesday and make happen before Friday.

For those who were interested in participating, thank you for your time and willingness to promote our group!

See you at dinner and the Symposium! (Times TBD)


Meeting Minutes 10/7/09

It was really good to see everyone who came tonight, and I hope that those of you who couldn't make it are doing well!! As far as what was discussed:

-We will be printing off more of the Coliseum Bucky shirts, so they will be available if you are interested
-BUT more importantly-we are hoping to have new t-shirts by Winter Break. So- get creative!! The deadline for t-shirt designs is our next meeting- Wed. October 21st!! We will vote then on the new "look"!

-Two potential speakers were discussed- hopefully one for the Fall semester and one for the Spring. But- if you have an idea of someone- feel free to bring it to the next meeting.

*For those of you interested in Archaeology it was suggested that you check out the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)'s website at You can get a year-long membership for only $26 and there is a lot of helpful, useful and interesting information for students.

-There is the parade next Friday, October 11th. If you would be interested in participating in making a float and being in the parade- contact Melissa!!
-This will hopefully include a a SYMPOSIUM after the parade- details of where/ when to come!

*Apple/ raspberry/ pumpkin patch/ corn maze THIS SUNDAY!!
-It is a 20 mile bike ride, or a 20 minute drive. If you want to go- get in touch! A car load will leave from the Union at 10:30 am...or you can BIKE!!

*The Chicago trip has been postponed until next semester. It was too hard with the football games/ Thanksgiving/ finals...but it will happen!!

*Sunday Studying in the Greek and Latin Reading Room (4th Floor Memorial Library) Later afternoon usually beginning around 3. You can get a free key to the room from the Admin. office on the 3rd floor...or just knock!

*Kaplan FREE GRE this Saturday 9:30-noon. This is a good way to see what the test is like without spending any money!

That's all for now- but stay posted on the upcoming events!!
See you soon, and good luck with classes!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Meeting Minutes - 9/23/09

It was really great to see everyone at the meeting today! There were
so many new faces, which is awesome and I hope that everyone who
couldn't make it tonight is having a good semester and will be able to
attend some of our upcoming events! Speaking of which...

SUNDAYS around 3- Study Session in the Greek and Latin Reading Room!
(It is located on the 4th floor of Memorial Library. If you get off
the elevator: take a right, and then another right. Walk down the
long hallway (walking towards Langdon) and it's on your left hand side
through the first set of doors. There will be signs, and it is locked
so you can knock, or ask a librarian to get your own key!)

As far as what was discussed at tonight's meeting:

Amanda, a representative from Kaplan came and spoke to us briefly
about the different ways that Kaplan can help Student Organizations.
Kaplan offers free practice tests for the GRE as well as the LSATs and
other graduate school entrance exams, which is a really great
opportunity. They also offer resume writing workshops, and provide
general help with applying to graduate school, so having them work
with the Classics Society should be beneficial for a lot of us!

-We went over some other events that we will be planning, including:

*Trip to the Chicago Art Institute (depending on how many people
are interested, we could take university vans, or possibly even rent a
coach. We are thinking either the first or second Saturday in
November! Half a day at the museum with a possible tour of classical
art, and then half a day shopping/ spending time in the city!)

PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me if you are interested in this trip, so
that I can figure out the transportation. It would probably only cost
$20 or $25, and would include the round-trip transportation as well as
museum entry! E-mail me and let me know how interested you are:
definitely (would put money on it), it depends, maybe, etc...Thanks!

*Lectures- Keep thinking about potential speakers and bring ideas
to the next meeting!

*Homecoming Parade/ Team events. If you are interested in getting
involved, contact Melissa!

*Class Visits- for those of you who have been previously involved
with the Classics Society, please consider speaking to a class. It
only takes a couple minutes, and is really good way for students who
would be interested in the CS to find out about us!

*T-Shirts! We passed around a design which is a T-shirt made to
look like a toga. If you have other ideas, please bring them to the
next meeting! We are hoping to get an early start on getting t-shirts
this year.

Okay, well please e-mail me if you are interested in the Chicago trip,
and I hope to see you all either at volleyball or the library this
weekend! Have a good rest of the week and good luck with classes!
