Classics Society

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meeting Minutes - 2/10/10

Hi Everyone!
Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your classes. I just have a couple of reminders from the meeting tonight.

~If you are interested in buying a t-shirt, or know someone who might be- we still have a lot of red t-shirts with Bucky in front of the Colosseum! 12 dollars!

~We are planning the trip for either Saturday March 20th or April 10th. Check your calendars and look out for an e-mail about voting on a day. It would be great if a lot of people can come- so be sure to vote on the day that works best for you. More information will follow, but the trip will probably cost around $20-$25 (including the van and the entrance fee and hopefully a tour)!

Be sure to look out for other e-mails and I hope to see more of you soon!!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Latin Day - March 18th: Sign up now!

Everyone is invited to Latin Day, which takes place on campus on Thursday, March 18. The main events are two lectures by Prof. Mary T. Boatwright, a Roman historian from Duke University. You might know Prof. Boatwright as the author of two textbooks on Roman history.

Thursday, March 18
Memorial Union Theater
9:45: Welcome and general information, followed immediately by the
first lecture ("Women in the Forum Romanum")
12:30: Second lecture ("What's in a Name? Hadrian's Pantheon and its
non-Hadrianic Dedication")

Cost: $7

Email Professor Beneker at if you are interested in going!

SPRING 2010 - First Meeting of theNew Semester!

Hi Everyone!
Welcome back to a new semester and 2010!! It was really good to see everyone, as well as some new faces and I hope that those of you who couldn't make it tonight will be at the next meeting or will attend some of our upcoming events!

First off we have a NEW MEETING TIME!! From now on we will be meeting on WEDNESDAYS at 6:30 pm.

UPCOMING EVENTS to take note of:

**JCL (Junior Classical League) has their State Convention this weekend. There are a number of ways to get involved Thursday evening, and throughout the day on Friday. We plan to sell T-shirts at the union Thursday night and they may need chaperones for the dance Friday night. If you have time to volunteer either day, and did not sign up tonight, please e-mail Professor Beneker with your name and availability. More specific information on the JCL events to come!

**MOVIE NIGHT next wednesday (Feb. 3) at 7 pm in the union. The plan is to bring movies (classically related) and we will vote on which one to watch.

**There are a number of upcoming lectures in the classics department which may be of interest to you. On Jan 28th, and Feb. 2nd, 4th and 9th the four finalists for open teaching positions will be giving talks, and there are a number of other speakers coming throughout February and March. For specific information on people and times check events on the department website.

**Sunday Afternoon studying in the Greek and Latin Reading Room (4th floor Memorial Union). Come study with fellow classics society members!

OTHER EVENTS discussed tonight, still in the planning process:

-Trip to the Chicago Art Institute (we are going to make this happen!)
-Ice Skating
-Feb. 27th welcome back/ winter gathering

That's all for now. Look out for more details about JCL and I hope everyone stays warm and is enjoying their classes so far. Hope to see you guys this weekend or at the movie next week!
