Classics Society

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes 9/8/09

-We are planning on making/ continuing to be both an academic and a social group. We have a fair amount of money, so we can spend it on activities of our choosing!

-We went over some events that we will be planning, including:
*Movies (both at people's houses as well as one on campus that would be open for people to attend)
*Study Sessions
*Group Dinners
*Plays/ Cultural events (if you hear about anything going on in Madison that you think others may be interested in- let us know!)
*Trip to the Chicago Art Institute (we talked about driving a van to the museum and possibly getting a tour of the classical art)
*Ice Skating
*Ski Trip (looking ahead to the winter!)
*Lectures (hopefully one in the fall and one in the spring)
*YES we will do a float, or "walk" in the Homecoming Parade.
*In the next few weeks, while the weather is nice, we should get together at the Terrace!

-We are going to try to be more proactive about recruiting new members!
*Chalking (at the next meeting we will have chalk and go over where and what to write)
*Class Visits (For anyone interested, we will be looking for volunteers to go to lower-level classics as well as Greek and Latin classes and give a brief talk about the Classics Society. More information on the classes and times to come!)

-T-Shirts! There is a design from last year which is a T-shirt made to look like a toga, which we will look at. And, if people have other designs, bring them to the next meeting. We are hoping to get an early start on getting t-shirts this year.

-We are still trying to locate an Athena bust- if you have any ideas??

-MEETINGS will be every other WEDNESDAY at 7 PM. Hopefully in the Union itself!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome back, classics enthusiasts!

Join us on Tuesday, September 8th at 7PM as we hold our first meeting of the year! Check TITU for the exact location!

See you all there! Feel free to bring friends!