Classics Society

Monday, April 22, 2013

Officer Elections

Do you love all things classical? Do you have ideas for what the Society could do better or differently? Would you like experience leading an organization? Planning events? Managing money? Electronic communication? If so, please consider running for one of our officer positions!

We are looking for people interested in being Co-ConsulTreasurer, and Historian. Even if you're planning on studying abroad, we have a place for you! All members who will be enrolled students in Fall 2013 are welcome. See below for a description of the different positions. 

Interested applicants should submit a short (250 words max) explanation of their interest in and qualifications for the position by Monday, April 29. If we have multiple people running for a given position, we'll hold elections. If not, then the position is yours!

Classics Society Officers
Co-Consul (time commitment: 1-2 hours a week most of the time, but up to 10 hours a week during a major event--such as Saturnalia, hosting a guest lecturer, or a field trip)
  • coordinate responsibilities with the other Co-Consul
  • plan and organize events, with help from Faculty Advisor, other officers, and Society members
  • send regular emails to the Society
  • recruit new members (at the Student Org Fair, through classroom visits, etc.)
  • minor administrative tasks
Treasurer (time commitment: minimal, except during the T-shirt sale)
  • serve as primary financial contact for Society, including reimbursing people for Society-related expenses and handling monetary transactions, such as field trip money
  • is the primary person in charge of the T-shirt sale (selects and works with the printer and is in charge of inventory)
Historian (time commitment: minimal)
  • update the blog and Facebook group on a regular basis (promote upcoming events; post interesting articles, videos, pictures, etc.)
  • maintain the Classics Society page provided by the Center for Leadership and Involvement
All officers are expected to attend most Classics Society events and to assist with planning and organizing those events as necessary.