Classics Society

Friday, February 3, 2012

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 1/31

Happy spring semester!Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting yesterday.

After much discussion, we have decided to cut down the number of “strictly business” meetings and up the number of regular activities/events.

So, every two weeks, instead of having a meeting, we'll get together for a social night …watching movies, cooking/baking, playing games, having a Certamen competition, etc. We’ll announce the activity of the week ahead of time, but welcome your suggestions! Our first social night will be classics-related board games…Bananagrams, Risk, etc.!

Also, we will be instituting a weekly Rome viewing session. Never seen this acclaimed HBO series? Have all the words memorized? Either way, we hope that you'll enjoy the show!

We'd like to get started ASAP with events for next semester, so we need your help! Please answer this Google form by Friday!

Thank you so much! We’ll update you on our meeting times this weekend.

Crescentia and Irene, Co-Consuls

Coming Up in Classics Society

2/6 4:30-5:30, ...What if We Gave a War and Everybody Came? War as Spectacle in Iliad 3-5, Tobias Myers job talk, 22 Ingraham Hall

???—???-???, Classics Board Game Night

???—???-???, Rome viewing session

2/13 4:30-5:30, Alexander Loney job talk, Location TBA