Classics Society

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes 9/8/09

-We are planning on making/ continuing to be both an academic and a social group. We have a fair amount of money, so we can spend it on activities of our choosing!

-We went over some events that we will be planning, including:
*Movies (both at people's houses as well as one on campus that would be open for people to attend)
*Study Sessions
*Group Dinners
*Plays/ Cultural events (if you hear about anything going on in Madison that you think others may be interested in- let us know!)
*Trip to the Chicago Art Institute (we talked about driving a van to the museum and possibly getting a tour of the classical art)
*Ice Skating
*Ski Trip (looking ahead to the winter!)
*Lectures (hopefully one in the fall and one in the spring)
*YES we will do a float, or "walk" in the Homecoming Parade.
*In the next few weeks, while the weather is nice, we should get together at the Terrace!

-We are going to try to be more proactive about recruiting new members!
*Chalking (at the next meeting we will have chalk and go over where and what to write)
*Class Visits (For anyone interested, we will be looking for volunteers to go to lower-level classics as well as Greek and Latin classes and give a brief talk about the Classics Society. More information on the classes and times to come!)

-T-Shirts! There is a design from last year which is a T-shirt made to look like a toga, which we will look at. And, if people have other designs, bring them to the next meeting. We are hoping to get an early start on getting t-shirts this year.

-We are still trying to locate an Athena bust- if you have any ideas??

-MEETINGS will be every other WEDNESDAY at 7 PM. Hopefully in the Union itself!!

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