Classics Society

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meeting Minutes - 2/17/09

Meeting Minutes

1. T-shirts are still available!

2. Ice Skating
-Thursday, February 26th at the Shell
-11:15-12:45 am
-Ice Cream at Electric Earth beforehand

3. Movie Night
-Thursday March 5th , 6:30
-Andrea’s House (old university)

4. Symposium
-Friday February 27th
-8:30, Justin’s House (N. Randall)
*ancient attire required

5. Roy Gibson talk
-Tuesday March 3rd, 12:00, location TBD
-Lecture: “The most immoral book eve written by a man of genius”: Ovid’s Ars Amatoria

6. Olympic Committee
-work in progress, contact Ethan if interested in helping (

7. Latin Day
-April 2nd, Memorial Union Theater
-Mr. Alex Meyer, Ph.D. candidate at Duke University and Archaeological Excavation Supervisor at Vindolanda Roman Forst in England will give 2 talks…
1. 10:00am, “Vindolanda Roman Forst and Minimus the Mouse in their Historical Contexts”
2. 12:30pm, “Britain’s Greatest Treasures: Spectacular finds from Vindolanda Roman Fort, 1865-present”

8. Display case
-contact Melissa ( if interested in helping fill the display case on first floor Van Hise

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gladiator Bucky Shirts are Available NOW!

We are currently selling Red "Gladiator Bucky" T-Shirts!
Only $12 per shirt!

Sizes are S/M/L/XL/XXL*
The cost per shirt is $12. (*XXL is $1.50 extra)
You must turn in the order form with the amount due. If you are writing a check, make it out to "Classics Society"
Make sure you fill out each column on the order form.
You can turn the money and order form into our mailbox in Van Hise on the 9th floor, mailbox #912 (The mailboxes are located to the left of the doorway to the Pillinger Library, which is room 920).
You can give your money and order form to Andrea, Sean, or Justin whenever you see them.

We will not be selling them for a long time so make sure you get your money and order in soon! The sooner the better!

Be "glad" you got one!

Meeting Minutes - 2/3/09

Sorry about taking so long to post these!

1. T-shirts
-sold 1/3 of supply at JCL
-no longer selling black
-red t-shirts/long sleeve T’s/sweatshirts are available
-order forms are out, we should know new prices in a few days
-pick-up should be in a week or two
*if selling shirts, make sure buyer marks whether they want a t-shirt, long sleeve T, or sweatshirt near their order

2. Ski/Ice Skating Event
-if interested in ski trip, email Justin (; probably an informal event
-Ice skating, Thursday Feb. 26th at the Shell

3. Movie Night
-Andrea’s house
-several ideas; Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonauts, Troy, Gladiator, 300, TNT’s Julius Caesar, Odyssey, etc-email Sean (spmiller3@wisc.ed) with opinions, votes

4. Symposium
-Friday February 27th

-probably too expensive for group trip

6. Olympics
-if interested in working on Classics Society Olympics contact Ethan (

7. Roy Gibson
-March 3rd, the Classics Society will be hosting a lunch time talk with Roy Gibson

Monday, February 2, 2009

Spring Semester Meetings

From this point forward our meetings will be on alternating Tuesdays at 5:30 in Memorial Union (TITU).

If you have never been to one of our meetings, feel free to come by and check out the UW Classics Society!

Next meeting: TOMORROW, February 3, 2009.