Meeting Minutes
1. Cookout
-Sunday May 3rd, 4-7 pm
-Professor Beneker’s House
2520 Chamberlain Ave/ 298-7064
-RSVP w/Professor Beneker
-let Professor Beneker know of any food preferences
2. End of the year reception
-Thursday May 7th, 4:30-6:30pm
-University Club 803 State St.
-food, awards, introduction of next years officers
3. Next Year’s Officers-CONGRATULATIONS!
-President: Andrea Samz-Pustol
-Vice President: Phoebe Kasdin
-Treasurer: Ashley Morgan
-Historian: Melissa Millard
4. Ideas for next year
-Homecoming, Movie Night, 2 Speakers, Eta Sigma Phi, Olympics, Pizza/T-shirt Sales, Student Org. Fair, More Subcommittees
-Think about new ideas for next year, feel free to let Andrea, our new President, know via email (
5. Thanks to everyone for a great year! See you at the cookout and reception!