Classics Society

Friday, September 26, 2014

Classics Society News

Dates: Mark your calendars for these fun endeavors!
Thursday, October 9th @ 6:30pm: Meeting and a Movie! Join us for a half hour(ish) meeting before enjoying a classically themed movie.
Thursday, October 16th @ 11:30am: Luncheon with visiting speaker, Professor Richard Talbert, on the ninth floor of Van Hise. This is an awesome opportunity to talk with an expert and familiarize yourself with the department! We would like to know how many people are committed to attending, so let us know if that is you!
Sunday, October 19th @ 6pm: American Players Theatre preform Alcestis. 20 tickets are available for $18 instead of the usual $65 on a first come, first serve basis. Write your check payable to "William Brockliss" and place it in his mailbox on the ninth floor of Van Hise. If you are able to provide transportation, indicate how many (you will be reimbursed for gas at $3 a person including yourself). *note: 6pm is the showtime, departure will be earlier.

Extra(s) Extra(s)!
Study Nights: Every Monday from 4:30-6:30pm in room 2258 of College Library
T-Shirts: If you are interested in designing our club shirt, contact us ASAP so we can get our groovy new shirts printed and into your hands!
Latin Tutors: The Classics Department is asking for people to tutor beginning level Latin. Send us your name to pass along if you are interested!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Meeting Recap, September Events, and More!

Recap: After learning all sorts of interesting facts about each other's hometowns, we discussed the overview of the semester including the following:
>Lunch with speaker, Professor Talbert, on Thursday, October 16 at 11:30 a.m. We are looking for some students that would be willing to offer hospitality to this visiting speaker. Contact us if you are interested!
>Saturnalia: Thursday, December 11 at 4:30pm. Mark your calendars for the Classics Department Christmas party. 
>T-shirts: We can't be a swanky society without some matching t-shirts! Stay tuned for the preview and sign-up.
>Movie Nights: There will be a movie night on a TBD date in October!
>Career Advising Workshop: This semester we will work with the career adviser for Letters and Sciences to discover skills we never knew we acquired and tips on how to address our future.

September Events:
>Bonfire: Join us THIS Saturday (September 20) anytime from 6-9pm for a bonfire at Picnic Point's fire pit #1. S'mores guaranteed. Stories probable.
>Study Nights: Beginning this coming Monday (September, 22) we will be holding study nights every Monday from 4:30-6:30pm in room 2258 of College Library

More: The Classics department is looking for Latin tutors. If you are interested, contact us!

See you TOMORROW at Picnic Point!