Classics Society

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fall 2015 Kick-Off Meeting

Time: 5 PM, September 14th
Place: Room 133, Wendt Commons (215 N. Randall Ave.)

We will introduce our new officers this year, talk about what our events and activities are this semester, and enjoy some snacks together.

The Classics Society is a student organization at University of Wisconsin-Madison which invites undergraduates to grow together in appreciation of the classical world, and offers a wide range of opportunities for them to share their knowledge with others. We meet up for film-nights, quizzes, trips to galleries, volunteer opportunities, Mediterranean feasts, visiting speakers etc., etc., etc. Whether you're just getting interested in the ancient world, or you're a seasoned expert, all are more than welcome to join.

The classics society has Study Nights every Monday from 5:00-7:00pm in Room 133 of Wendt Commons for this semester. This is a great place to study for Latin, Greek, and all the Classics classes you are taking. Anyone who is interested in the classical world is also welcome to join us.