Classics Society

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Meeting Minutes - 11/13/08

1. Senior Classical League/JCL convention
-SCL representative suggesting collaboration on future projects
-seeking help again with the JCL convention, more info to come
-possible Classics Society Colloquium at JCL convention this year any subjects…studying classics in college?

2. Speaker—Greg Daugherty
-set for April 6th
-lunchtime lecture: History of the Snake Braw
-nighttime lecture: Cleopatra in Pop-culture
-Venue: TBD

3. T-shirts, Long Sleeve T’s, and Sweatshirts
-now 2 colors: red, black
-expect order forms soon, before thanksgiving

4. Saturnalia
-December 4th, 4:30-6:30, 1418 Van Hise
-Society will be responsible for bringing drinks, members responsible for side dishes
-Auricula Meretricula performance as well as chance to mingle with faculty, grad students, and fellow students

5. Movie Night
*This Sunday! November 16th, 7:00 pm
-Room: Mezzanine C, Red Gym
-showing Disney’s “Hercules”
-Gumby’s Pizza as well!

6. Food Sale
-Wednesday, November 19th. 1st Floor Van Hise. 10am-3pm
-Selling pizza as a fundraiser
-Need people to help work throughout the sale (10-3)
*if you can help out during this time, email me at with the time you can work

7. Patron Statue
-After much deliberation, possible society patrons have been narrowed down to Athena and Dionysus.
-Final vote will be next meeting
*email an officer with your preference if you are unable to attend the next meeting

*As our next regularly scheduled meeting would fall over Thanksgiving break, our next meeting will be the week after break: Wednesday December 3rd, 5:00 Memorial Union.

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