Classics Society

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meeting Minutes 10/26/10

Evening Classicists!

This evening we covered the following (and enjoyed a viewing of "Troy"):

I. We'll have t-shirt order forms ready by the next meeting-- we've decided on red shirts with white text, "Wisconsin Classics" on the front with the university seal on the back. Both short- and long-sleeve shirts will be ordered, at $10 and $12 respectively.

II. Joe the Odyssey Singer will perform on either the 17th or 24th of February next semester, pending on other Classics department events.
We've gotten word back from Professor Rudall from U-Chicago, and he would be glad to come and give a lecture; the subject will likely be on poetry and/or drama. We're looking at late March or early April for this event.

III. Our next meeting, Tuesday Novemebr 9th, will be postponed a half an hour due to the Certificate Showcase, which is taking place in Chadbourne Hall, from 5:30 to 6:30.

IV. Our next (unofficial) event is symposium at my house: 307 E Gorham, on November 5th at 8:00. You can take the 81 or other buses from campus to get there. Come enjoy an evening with fellow Classicists. Wear your toga.

"There are no pacts between lions and men"

Abby Nowakowski
Classics Society Vice President

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