Thanks to everyone who came to the Saturnalia planning session. We have decided to have a classics-themed Jeopardy competition, featuring the faculty and grad students! IT'S A SURPRISE, SO PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE!
We need some volunteers for a few short tasks, so if you'd like to help out, just send us an email! We are looking for
- question-writers (We need some people who know Latin/Greek, but we also have non-language questions. We already have an outline of the questions we'd like to ask, just need someone to write them.) Open categories include
- Certamen commands (write simple commands in Latin and Greek)
- Translating Popular Culture (translate names of popular songs/movies/etc. into Latin/Greek)
- Classical Applications (questions on geometry, astronomy, physics, etc.)
- Literature
- Mythology
- someone willing to make/acquire a cheap (cheesy) trophy for the winning team
- volunteers to bring dessert/drinks to the post-competition party