Classics Society

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This Week in Classics Society

Hello everyone!

We've got two (well, four) great events this week and hope to see you there!

First, we are having a movie night on Wednesday, 10/10! We will be joining Classics 373 to watch 300. The film starts at 7pm in 104 Van Hise! Run time: 2 hours. 

Also, it's that time again--time for the annual Classics Graduate Forum Colloquium! Every year the graduate students in the Classics Department host a conference for other graduate students from across the country, as well as a guest speaker. If you are considering graduate study in classics or a related field, you should definitely attend!

This year's theme is "And Now for Something Completely Different: Transformation and Transcendence in Antiquity." Check out the awesome schedule below:

Friday, October 12 (Van Hise 114)
5:00 PM       Keynote address by Stephen Hinds (UW-Seattle), "Transformation, translation, and transcendence:  Ovid, Marvell and others"

Saturday, October 13 (Chamberlin 2104)
10:00 AM      First panel of graduate presenters
11:30 AM      Free lunch [they do exist] catered by the Wisconsin Union
12:30 PM      Second panel of graduate presenters
Special Undergrad-Only Event, October 12 (Van Hise 951)
Conversation Hour with Stephen Hinds! This is a great chance to get to meet another great classics professor and to ask questions about his research, life in academia, or classics in general. It'll be a fun, casual hour of conversation and light refreshments. 

This the first year that the Colloquium is having an undergrad-only event and we urge you to attend! 

We look forward to seeing you this week!

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