Classics Society

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Classics Society Meeting 11/18 Updates

Thank you to all those who filled out the poll on shirts; it really helped us in the planning process! However, before we order shirts, we need to have the funds to do so. The cost is $20. Please turn your money in an envelope with your name and shirt size on it to us or the Classics Society mailbox on the 9th floor by no later than December 2nd. Here is the poll, once again, for all those who missed the initial opportunity.

Mark your calendars: Thursday, December 12th @ 4:00pm  
This is the Classicist's version of a Christmas Party. The whole Classics Department is invited to eat and be merry! The undergrads (that's us) provide the entertainment which will be in the form of the professors pitted against each other in our edition of Ten-Thousand Dollar Pyramid! 

Please come help us formulate questions at the next Study Night on November 25th from 6-8pm in 2258 College Library. All any any input is valued and we would appreciate your help!

Overview of Dates:
November 25th, 6:00-8:00pm -- Study/Saturnalia preparation Night
December 2nd -- T-shirt money due!
December 2nd @ 6:00pm -- Classics Society Meeting 
December 12th @ 4:00pm -- Saturnalia

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Important Classics Dates!

Here is some key information that you need to know for the upcoming happenings in Classics Society.

t-shirt design
T-Shirts: We will be ordering club t-shirts shortly and want to know if this is a worthy investment before doing so. The design will be very similar to this crest on the upper left breast of a black shirt. Nice, sharp, and simple. They should be approximately $10-$15. Please fill out this poll by November 13th on your commitment.

In the Near Future. . .

November 8th @ 3:30pm -- Public Lecture by Patrice Rankine "Performing the Past: The African, the Classics, and the Collages of Romare Bearden" in L150 Elvehjem Building.

November 15th @ 12:00pm -- Brown-bag lunch with scholar, Catherine Edwards in 951 Van Hise. Catherine is visiting campus to give a few lectures and the Classics Society is hosting a small gathering. Please come and meet great people in the academic world! Beverages and desserts will be provided.

November 16th @ 3:45pm -- Chazen Tour of the "Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey"  
  • We will meet in the Chazen Lobby (the new addition) at 3:45pm to have our docent-lead tour of the exhibit which will last about an hour.
  • Afterwards, we will either go out to eat or have a potluck. Please fill out this poll in a timely fashion on your preference:
November 18th @ 6:00pm -- CLASSICS SOCIETY MEETING in 2258 College Library. Please come so you can stay in the loop of future events and be able to give your input.

In the Distant Future. . .

January 18th -- Monroe Street Library craft event (include a recap to the past one and how we will need help next semester)

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us

Monday, November 4, 2013

Salvete! Χαíρετε! Greetings! This is just a quick reminder that we have another Study Night tonight (Nov. 4)! We'll be at 2258 College Library from 6-8 PM, so feel free to stop by!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Classics Updates

Here are just a few things to keep on your mind:

October 14 @ 6:30 -- Classics Society meeting in 2258 College Library (the same room that we meet for Study Nights)
October 16th @ 5:00pm -- Classics Lecture Series presents "Toward a Sociology of Aristotle's Poetics" by Dr. Martin Revermann in 6102 Social Science 

October 28 @ 5:00pm -- Monroe Street Public Library Classics Halloween event for elementary students (please come to the meeting to find out more information)

Please come to the meeting on Monday for more details and to give us your insight on everything including our club tour of the Chazen! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Come see the people who understand your love for Classics (and your dead language homework woes). 
We've all been there.
Study Night tonight (Oct. 7) from 6-8 PM at 2258 College Library! Hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Join us TONIGHT for this year's first Classics Society Movie Night featuring "Gladiator" at 6:30pm in B239 Van Vleck! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16th Meeting Notes

Thanks to all that could come to this year's first Classics Society meeting and make it such a success! For all those who were otherwise engaged or just want to be reminded of the topics covered, here is a recap!

General Comments:  
T-Shirts -- Everyone was really on board with making new club shirts this year which is so awesome! So if you have any great ideas, please let us know soon so we can get on that project ASAP.
"Home to Ithaca" by Romare Bearden
Classics Fall Fun Day -- This day will include a tour of the Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey exhibit at the Chazen, dinner, and a gathering with food and fun (a symposium of sorts). We suggested the date of Saturday, November 2nd for this event and would love your input on the matter.
Classics Society Olympics -- This will be a long way off, but Noah brought up the great idea for doing adapted Olympics as a fun spring activity. 

Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 23rd @ 6:00pm-8:00pm* -- Study Night [2258 College Library] 
Thursday, September 26th @ 7:30pm -- Gladiator movie showing [check TITU for exact location]

*n.b. These Study Nights will be every other Monday at the same time and in the same location. We will continue to send reminders. 

Feel free to follow this blog and/or our Facebook page for updates! If you have not received an email from the Classics Society yet this year, please contact us so you can be added to the mailing list.

Happy studying, everyone! See you at our next event!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Upcoming September Events


I hope the year has had a fabulous beginning! We just wanted to give you a heads up on the activities coming up this month:

Monday, September 16th @ 6:30pm -- Kick-off Meeting with tasty food! [check TITU online] 
Monday, September 23rd @ 6:00pm-8:00pm -- Study Night [2258 College Library]
Thursday, September 26th @ 7:30pm -- Movie Night [check TITU online]

You can also look forward to a tour of the temporary exhibit at the Chazen called "Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey". A collection of beautiful collages that depict scenes from the Iliad and the Odyssey. And also a Family Fun Night at the Monroe Street Public Library to spread the love of Classics.

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Officers!

I'm delighted to announce our officers for the Fall of 2013!

Co-Consul: Amanda Dailey
Co-Consul: Emily Zillmer
Treasurer: Carol Daniels
Historian: Hannah Sutter

Friday, May 3, 2013

Classics Society Goes Bowling!

It's time for our last event of the school year! After the Classics Department reception at Union South, Classics Society will be heading down to the Sett to hang out, bowl, play billiards, etc. Remember to bring your student ID! videbo vos mox!

Time: 5pm-ish, Thursday, May 9
Place: Union South

Monday, April 22, 2013

Officer Elections

Do you love all things classical? Do you have ideas for what the Society could do better or differently? Would you like experience leading an organization? Planning events? Managing money? Electronic communication? If so, please consider running for one of our officer positions!

We are looking for people interested in being Co-ConsulTreasurer, and Historian. Even if you're planning on studying abroad, we have a place for you! All members who will be enrolled students in Fall 2013 are welcome. See below for a description of the different positions. 

Interested applicants should submit a short (250 words max) explanation of their interest in and qualifications for the position by Monday, April 29. If we have multiple people running for a given position, we'll hold elections. If not, then the position is yours!

Classics Society Officers
Co-Consul (time commitment: 1-2 hours a week most of the time, but up to 10 hours a week during a major event--such as Saturnalia, hosting a guest lecturer, or a field trip)
  • coordinate responsibilities with the other Co-Consul
  • plan and organize events, with help from Faculty Advisor, other officers, and Society members
  • send regular emails to the Society
  • recruit new members (at the Student Org Fair, through classroom visits, etc.)
  • minor administrative tasks
Treasurer (time commitment: minimal, except during the T-shirt sale)
  • serve as primary financial contact for Society, including reimbursing people for Society-related expenses and handling monetary transactions, such as field trip money
  • is the primary person in charge of the T-shirt sale (selects and works with the printer and is in charge of inventory)
Historian (time commitment: minimal)
  • update the blog and Facebook group on a regular basis (promote upcoming events; post interesting articles, videos, pictures, etc.)
  • maintain the Classics Society page provided by the Center for Leadership and Involvement
All officers are expected to attend most Classics Society events and to assist with planning and organizing those events as necessary.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Spring Semester Kickoff

Hi everyone and welcome back!

Our first event of the semester is coming up! We are delighted to invite you to a Spring Semester Kickoff! It'll be on Monday, Feb. 4 at 6pm in Humanities 2619. There will be food!

See you there!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a new semester! We hope you enjoyed your time off!

This weekend (Thursday the 31st and Friday the 1st) our campus is hosting the Wisconsin Junior Classical League (WJLC).WJCL is looking for volunteers on Thursday, Jan. 31 from 6:30pm to about midnight and on Friday, Feb. 1, starting at 9:30am.

If you're interested in helping out, contact either Erin ( or Crescentia ( as soon as possible.

Also, mark your calendars for our kickoff event! It'll be on Monday, February 4, 6pm (check TITU for the location). 

We'll see you around!