Classics Society

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Important Classics Dates!

Here is some key information that you need to know for the upcoming happenings in Classics Society.

t-shirt design
T-Shirts: We will be ordering club t-shirts shortly and want to know if this is a worthy investment before doing so. The design will be very similar to this crest on the upper left breast of a black shirt. Nice, sharp, and simple. They should be approximately $10-$15. Please fill out this poll by November 13th on your commitment.

In the Near Future. . .

November 8th @ 3:30pm -- Public Lecture by Patrice Rankine "Performing the Past: The African, the Classics, and the Collages of Romare Bearden" in L150 Elvehjem Building.

November 15th @ 12:00pm -- Brown-bag lunch with scholar, Catherine Edwards in 951 Van Hise. Catherine is visiting campus to give a few lectures and the Classics Society is hosting a small gathering. Please come and meet great people in the academic world! Beverages and desserts will be provided.

November 16th @ 3:45pm -- Chazen Tour of the "Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey"  
  • We will meet in the Chazen Lobby (the new addition) at 3:45pm to have our docent-lead tour of the exhibit which will last about an hour.
  • Afterwards, we will either go out to eat or have a potluck. Please fill out this poll in a timely fashion on your preference:
November 18th @ 6:00pm -- CLASSICS SOCIETY MEETING in 2258 College Library. Please come so you can stay in the loop of future events and be able to give your input.

In the Distant Future. . .

January 18th -- Monroe Street Library craft event (include a recap to the past one and how we will need help next semester)

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us

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