Classics Society

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Constitution of

The Classics Society

Adopted 10/18/2011

  1. 1. Purpose

The purpose of the Classics Society is to provide a place for undergraduates of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who have an interest in the classical world, to connect for social networking in the world of classical scholarship and to expand their own and others’ horizons.

  1. 2. Membership

Active members must be present for at least two meetings or events per semester. If a conflict occurs, one may talk to a Consul for an exception to this rule. No dues are needed for membership.

Only active members may participate in votes and elections. A physical presence is not required to participate in votes or elections, but absentee votes must be received by the date and time specified by the Consul Primus or Co-Consuls. Voting membership is restricted to undergraduate and special students. Otherwise-eligible graduating seniors and special students may not participate in final elections.

In the event that a vote is called before two meetings or events have occurred, active membership will be defined as those undergraduate and special students who are present at the vote. Study abroad students retain their membership status during their time away from campus.

  1. 3. Seniority

It may occasionally be necessary for one or more members to be ruled senior to other members of equal standing (i.e. between regular members or between the Co-Consuls). Seniority for members of equal standing will be determined according to the following hierarchy of characteristics: number of semesters as an active member of Classics Society, number of semesters as a student at UW-Madison, number of semesters as an undergraduate student, number of semesters as a declared major or certificate student in the Classics Department, and physical age.

  1. 4. Offices and Duties

a. Consuls

i. Each year, the two leading officers of Classics Society will either be a Consul Primus and his/her subordinate, a Consul Secundus, or two Co-Consuls. Although the Co-Consuls have equal authority, for procedural purposes, the more senior officer will have higher standing. Whether there will be Consuls Primus and Secundus or Co-Consuls will be determined according to the rules stipulated in Section 5. Both Consuls will be contact person for any banking accounts.

ii. The Consul Primus presides over meetings and is in primary contact with the Faculty Advisor. The Consul Primus will call votes, but will not vote except in case of a tie. The Consul Primus will also coordinate agendas for meetings and monitor the finances of the Society. The Consul Primus is responsible for re-registering Classics Society with the Center for Leadership and Involvement every year.

iii. The Consul Secundus will preside over meetings in absence of the Consul Primus, but may not vote when doing so. The Consul Secundus will maintain membership and attendance for the Society and keep minutes of the meetings.

iv. The Co-Consuls collectively perform all of the duties listed above. Neither Consul may vote, but the more senior Consul will call the vote and will break any ties.

b. Treasurer

i. This officer is the primary contact with any affiliated banking institutions, maintains financial records for the school year, and makes them available at each meeting. The Treasurer is in charge of processing approved financial transactions and reporting these transactions at meetings. He/she also controls the financial aspects of any sale sponsored by Classics Society.

c. Historian

i. This officer is primarily responsible for any communication with Classics Society members and the public that occurs over the Internet, including the blog, Facebook, and the official webpage provided by the Center for Leadership and Involvement, especially any communication concerning meeting minutes and upcoming events.

d. Faculty Advisor

i. The Faculty Advisor is chosen by the Classics Department to oversee and guide the activities of the Classics Society, especially its student officers. He/she may be listed as a contact person for any banking accounts.

  1. 5. Rules for Elections

a. Officers will be self-nominated at the second to last meeting of the school year. Elections will then take place the last meeting of the year. Those nominated must be eligible to vote in the election. One can run for more than one office, but upon election may only assume one position. A physical presence is not required to be nominated or elected, but a statement of candidacy must be submitted by the time specified by the Consul Primus or Co-Consuls. Students may not study abroad while in office.

b. If more than two people run for the same office, a primary election will be held at the second to last meeting of the year. The primary election will also determine if the election will be for Consuls Primus and Secundus or for Co-Consuls. If the election will be for Co-Consuls, there may be up to three candidates in the final election, all others being eliminated in the primary election. Graduating seniors and special students may vote in the primary election, but not in the final election.

c. At least five eligible voters must be present at the primary and final elections. Voting is to go in the following order: Consuls (either Primus and Secundus or the Co-Consuls together), Treasurer, and lastly Historian.

d. In the event of a tie, the candidate with the greater seniority will assume the contested position. If there are only two candidates total for Consuls Primus and Secundus and a tie ensues, the two candidates will automatically become Co-Consuls.

e. In the event of a resignation of any officer other than Historian, the person in the office directly below that position will have the opportunity to assume the vacant position. If not, another election will be held to fill it.

  1. 6. Impeachment

In the event in which a member wants to call for the resignation of an officer, that person will meet with the Faculty Advisor and call to attention their grievances. The Faculty Advisor will decide if there is a valid reason for the call of resignation and, if so, will inform the officer in question of the situation. At the next meeting the Faculty Advisor will call for a vote of resignation. That officer in question will have a chance to defend him or herself and then there will be a vote. A two-thirds majority of all eligible voters is needed to remove the officer from office. The procedures in case of resignation as outlined in Section 5e will then be followed.

  1. 7. Voting

Voting is to be called at official meetings by the highest-ranking Consul. All monetary items over $30 must be voted on by the Society at an official meeting and be passed by a simple majority. The monetary item must be announced one week before the meeting and all eligible voters present at the meeting may vote. Anything under $30 does not need a week’s notice, and does not need to be called for a vote. Everyone may only vote once. Officers will vote in accordance with Section 5.

  1. 8. Meetings

Meetings are to be called to order by the highest-ranking Consul or other officer present. All meeting times should be approved by the Faculty Advisor and all officers before the first meeting of the semester and then voted on by the Society. While more are encouraged, at least four meetings and two events open to campus must be held every semester.

  1. 9. Amendments

A vote must be called two weeks in advance, with the amendment(s) having been stated. The highest-ranking Consul calls a vote and the amendment must pass with a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting.

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 10/18

Next Meeting: 6:30pm 11/1 in Union South (T-shirt ideas due by this date!)

The new version of the constitution passed with 100% approval! It takes effect immediately, which doesn’t change much, except that Irene and I are officially co-consuls, instead of co-presidents. Thanks to everyone who sent in their e-mail votes.

· T-shirts

o We are still looking for T-shirt ideas! No artistic skill required. Requirements: Be creative! Be classical! Don’t restrict yourself to red and white!

o Please send in your ideas to Irene or Crescentia or bring them to our next meeting on 11/1.

· Chazen Tour

o Classics Society will be taking a tour of the Chazen Museum of Art later this semester. Check your inboxes for a date/time poll from Irene!

· Majors Fair

o CCAS is hosting its annual Majors Fair on Wednesday, October 26 from 3:00-5:30 in Union South. This is a great opportunity to talk to advisors and student representatives of most of the majors on campus.

o Want to help out? Come by the Classics table in Varsity Hall at any time and help promote our awesome majors!

· Saturnalia

o Irene has finished the first draft of the script for our Saturnalia play! It’s be a comedy parodying the department and some great works of literature, both classical and modern.

o What we need now are editors! If you would like to be involved, email Irene at to get a copy of the script.

Coming Up in Classics Society!

10/21—Mediterranean Symposium Potluck, 6:00, 221 N Blair St

10/23—Study Night, 6:00-9:00, 102 Steenbock Library

10/24—Study Night, 6:00-9:00, M279a Memorial Library

10/26—Majors Fair, 3:00-5:30, Union South

10/30—Study Night, 6:00-9:00, 102 Steenbock Library

10/31—Study Night, 6:00-9:00, M279a Memorial Library

Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting! Have a great week and we hope to see you at the Symposium Potluck this Friday!

Crescentia and Irene

Co-Consuls, Classics Society

Friday, October 7, 2011

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 10/4

Hi everyone! I hope that you all had a great weekend! Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting today. We have some great events coming up and hope that you can make them!

Coming Up in Classics Society:

10/7—5-6pm, Classics Colloquium Keynote Lecture, 114 Van Hise

10/8—10am-2pm, Classics Colloquium Paper Presentations, 2104 Chamberlin

10/9—6-9pm, Study Night, 102 Steenbock Library

10/10—6-9pm, Study Night, M279a Memorial Library

10/14—6pm-?, Classics Society at Memorial Union

10/16—6-9pm, Study Night, 102 Steenbock Library

10/17—6-9pm, Study Night, M279a Memorial Library

Next Meeting: 10/18 at 6:30pm, Memorial Union

· New Constitution

o Crescentia has proposed a revision of the constitution to accommodate some of the unofficial changes we’ve made over the years. There will be a separate email about the constitution.

o Voting for the new constitution occurs at the 10/18 meeting! If you can’t make the meeting, email in your vote by 6:00pm that day.

· Classics Colloquium

o The Classics Graduate Forum is hosting a colloquium this weekend called “Let’s Get Physical: Sex and the Body in Antiquity.” This will be an excellent opportunity to see the kind of work that classics graduates do, as well as to meet graduate students and professors!

o Maud Gleason will present the keynote lecture on Friday, 10/7, from 5-6pm in 114 Van Hise. Her lecture is called “Privilege Without Security? The Perils of Male Physiology.”

o There will also be paper presentations from 10am-2pm in 2104 Chamberlin on Saturday, 10/8.

· Mediterranean Symposium Potluck

o Come enjoy good food and company with Classics Society on Saturday, October 21st. We will be combining the potluck with a pumpkin carving contest. Check your inboxes for an invite!

· T-shirts

o It’s time again for the annual Classics Society T-shirt! We are looking for submissions from any and all Classics Society members. No artistic skill required. Requirements: Be creative! Be classical! Don’t restrict yourself to red and white!

o One idea currently floating around is “Carpe Noctem.” If you have any design ideas for this phrase, send them our way!

o We have T-shirts from previous years still available. Designs include “Coliseum Bucky”, “Toga Bucky”, and “Wisconsin Classics”. Email September at for more information!

o Due to popular demand, we will be re-issuing the “Coliseum Bucky” shirts!

· Classics Society at Memorial Union

o We’ll be hanging out at Memorial Union from 6:00-? on Friday, 10/14. Come relax and play some great games (Apples to Apples, cards, Bananagrams, etc.).

o Location: Memorial Union Terrace

o Inclement Weather Location: Der Rathskeller

o Can’t find us? Text Irene at (608) 535-0956or Crescentia at (708) 205-4266.

See you soon!

Crescentia and Irene

Co-Consuls, Classics Society

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Salvete omnes!

Want a chance to relax and take some beautiful photos?

CS will be hanging out at Picnic Point this Saturday 10/1 from 11a-1p. Come explore one of the most beautiful places on campus for a few hours before heading off to tailgate/study/whatever!

The Nebraska game isn't until 7:00, so you'll have plenty of time to prep for that!

Just take the Route 80 bus to University Bay and Picnic Point. The bus that leaves the Union around 11:00 will get you there around 11:10. We're at Fire Pit 2 (the red one on the map below). Phone number is (708) 205-4266!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hey Classics Society! Need to get some studying done? Want help with your Latin homework? Come to Room 279a in Memorial Library from 6-9p tonight for our 2nd CS study night!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Correction to bullet point two.

Please note the second bullet point where it says "bi-weekly", what is meant is "twice weekly."

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 9/20

First Official Meeting and Movie Night

Thanks to everyone who showed up! It was great seeing some familiar faces, as well as all the newcomers! For those of you who couldn’t make it, we talked about some upcoming events and then watched Disney’s Hercules. I’ve summarized our meeting below:

  1. Our regular meeting time for this semester will be 6:30pm every other Tuesday. So, our next meeting will be October 4th, location TBA (but probably in Memorial Union).
  2. We will have bi-weekly study nights from 6-9pm every Sunday and Monday in both Steenbock Library and Memorial Library. Steenbock is by the Lakeshore dorms on the Route 80 busline (get off at Observatory and Babcock).

    1. 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, and 10/16—6-9p in Steenbock 102
    2. 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, and 10/17—6-9p in Memorial M279a
    3. We’ll schedule additional meetings depending on how these locations and times work out!
  3. We will also be having monthly movie/game nights. Our next “fun” night will probably be the week of October 3 or 10. Time TBD at next meeting, but check your calendars for availability. Also, let us know of any movies you’d like to watch or games you’d like to play!
  4. Our first Mediterranean Symposium Potluck is tentatively scheduled for October 23rd. We’ll do a sign-up for food and supplies after the next meeting.
  5. We will have a short Toga Wrapping 101 session before the symposium. Details TBA.
  6. We’ll be hanging out at Picnic Point from about 11-1 on Saturday, October 1st. Once we’ve reserved a fire pit, we’ll send out more details. Let us know if you’re interested or have any dietary restrictions!
  7. Every spring, we invite a professor from another university to lecture and meet with the undergraduates. If you know of anyone (your friend’s favorite professor, someone whose work you’ve read, etc.), let us know soon!
  8. Finally, we will be performing for Saturnalia, the Classics Department’s annual holiday party. Anyone who wants to help out with the script should contact Irene!

Thank you all so much! We look forward to seeing you soon!


Crescentia Stegner-Freitag

Irene Smail

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Salvete omnes!

I hope that everyone had a great summer and is settling into the new semester! We had a great response from the Student Organization Fair and are excited to welcome 60 new members to the Classics Society mailing list! Now that we are firmly into September, we'd like to get started with Classics Society events. Our first meeting of the semester is Tuesday, 9/20, 7:00pm-? in Vilas 4028.
We are planning lots of events for this year: movie nights, game nights (Latin Bananagrams, anyone?), weekly study nights, as well as planning some of our bigger events, like T-shirt sales, trips to the art museum, and, of course, Saturnalia.

After the meeting, we'll be watching a movie! Choices will include Troy, 300, Hercules, and Gladiator!

We hope that you can all come! Enjoy your week!

Crescentia Stegner-Freitag and Irene Smail
Classics Society

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meeting Minutes for September 2, 2011

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 9/2

Initial Officers’ Meeting

  1. Our first meeting will coincide with our first monthly movie night will be on 9/20 7p-10p, hopefully in Vilas Hall (Crescentia will schedule). Movies for consideration include The Eagle, Troy, 300, and Clash of the Titans. Voting will occur at the meeting.
    1. We’re leaning towards Tuesday meetings.
  2. Advertising:
    1. Irene and others will make posters advertising Classics Society and the meeting/movie night. We need to get permission to post the fliers.
    2. We will generate a list of all Latin 101 and Classical Humanities courses this semester and attempt to advertise Classics Society to each class. We should get permission from the TA/professor before advertising. The goal is to talk to all the classes before the 9/20 meeting. We should collect names and email addresses from interested students when we advertise (perhaps pass around a sheet of paper) and write the blog address on the board:
    3. Chalking! Irene has chalk. Do we need permission?
  3. T-shirts
    1. We can sell our extra T-shirts at the first meeting
    2. We should have another T-shirt designed by the end of October so that it’s available before the break. September’s idea is “carpe noctem.”
  4. blog
    1. In addition to posting meeting minutes, we’ll post entries of interesting articles/this day in history/quotations/clips/etc. Forward everything to Alan
  5. Other event ideas:
    1. Weekly study nights. We can reserve a room in a library or similar for the entire semester with extra slots during finals week. At the first meeting we’ll vote on Sunday/Monday.
    2. Monthly game and movie nights at people’s apartments or similar. We can discuss more specific scheduling at the first meeting.
    3. Guest lecturer (needs to be invited by late October/early November): Professor Montiglio, Irene’s friend’s professor, other ideas?
    4. asking Professors Aylward or Cahill to give a tour of the Chazen
    5. Saturnalia

i. Irene: Sherlock Holmes solves the mystery of how the Grinch stole the costumes for the Winnie the Pooh Saturnalia play

ii. If we have the script written by mid-November-ish, we’ll have lots of time to practice.

    1. Mediterranean Symposium potluck
    2. Toga Wrapping 101
    3. pumpkin carving contest
    4. change officer names in constitution