Classics Society

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 9/20

First Official Meeting and Movie Night

Thanks to everyone who showed up! It was great seeing some familiar faces, as well as all the newcomers! For those of you who couldn’t make it, we talked about some upcoming events and then watched Disney’s Hercules. I’ve summarized our meeting below:

  1. Our regular meeting time for this semester will be 6:30pm every other Tuesday. So, our next meeting will be October 4th, location TBA (but probably in Memorial Union).
  2. We will have bi-weekly study nights from 6-9pm every Sunday and Monday in both Steenbock Library and Memorial Library. Steenbock is by the Lakeshore dorms on the Route 80 busline (get off at Observatory and Babcock).

    1. 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, and 10/16—6-9p in Steenbock 102
    2. 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, and 10/17—6-9p in Memorial M279a
    3. We’ll schedule additional meetings depending on how these locations and times work out!
  3. We will also be having monthly movie/game nights. Our next “fun” night will probably be the week of October 3 or 10. Time TBD at next meeting, but check your calendars for availability. Also, let us know of any movies you’d like to watch or games you’d like to play!
  4. Our first Mediterranean Symposium Potluck is tentatively scheduled for October 23rd. We’ll do a sign-up for food and supplies after the next meeting.
  5. We will have a short Toga Wrapping 101 session before the symposium. Details TBA.
  6. We’ll be hanging out at Picnic Point from about 11-1 on Saturday, October 1st. Once we’ve reserved a fire pit, we’ll send out more details. Let us know if you’re interested or have any dietary restrictions!
  7. Every spring, we invite a professor from another university to lecture and meet with the undergraduates. If you know of anyone (your friend’s favorite professor, someone whose work you’ve read, etc.), let us know soon!
  8. Finally, we will be performing for Saturnalia, the Classics Department’s annual holiday party. Anyone who wants to help out with the script should contact Irene!

Thank you all so much! We look forward to seeing you soon!


Crescentia Stegner-Freitag

Irene Smail

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