Classics Society

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meeting Minutes for September 2, 2011

Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 9/2

Initial Officers’ Meeting

  1. Our first meeting will coincide with our first monthly movie night will be on 9/20 7p-10p, hopefully in Vilas Hall (Crescentia will schedule). Movies for consideration include The Eagle, Troy, 300, and Clash of the Titans. Voting will occur at the meeting.
    1. We’re leaning towards Tuesday meetings.
  2. Advertising:
    1. Irene and others will make posters advertising Classics Society and the meeting/movie night. We need to get permission to post the fliers.
    2. We will generate a list of all Latin 101 and Classical Humanities courses this semester and attempt to advertise Classics Society to each class. We should get permission from the TA/professor before advertising. The goal is to talk to all the classes before the 9/20 meeting. We should collect names and email addresses from interested students when we advertise (perhaps pass around a sheet of paper) and write the blog address on the board:
    3. Chalking! Irene has chalk. Do we need permission?
  3. T-shirts
    1. We can sell our extra T-shirts at the first meeting
    2. We should have another T-shirt designed by the end of October so that it’s available before the break. September’s idea is “carpe noctem.”
  4. blog
    1. In addition to posting meeting minutes, we’ll post entries of interesting articles/this day in history/quotations/clips/etc. Forward everything to Alan
  5. Other event ideas:
    1. Weekly study nights. We can reserve a room in a library or similar for the entire semester with extra slots during finals week. At the first meeting we’ll vote on Sunday/Monday.
    2. Monthly game and movie nights at people’s apartments or similar. We can discuss more specific scheduling at the first meeting.
    3. Guest lecturer (needs to be invited by late October/early November): Professor Montiglio, Irene’s friend’s professor, other ideas?
    4. asking Professors Aylward or Cahill to give a tour of the Chazen
    5. Saturnalia

i. Irene: Sherlock Holmes solves the mystery of how the Grinch stole the costumes for the Winnie the Pooh Saturnalia play

ii. If we have the script written by mid-November-ish, we’ll have lots of time to practice.

    1. Mediterranean Symposium potluck
    2. Toga Wrapping 101
    3. pumpkin carving contest
    4. change officer names in constitution

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