Classics Society Meeting Minutes, 9/2
Initial Officers’ Meeting
- Our first meeting will coincide with our first monthly movie night will be on 9/20 7p-10p, hopefully in Vilas Hall (Crescentia will schedule). Movies for consideration include The Eagle, Troy, 300, and Clash of the Titans. Voting will occur at the meeting.
- We’re leaning towards Tuesday meetings.
- Advertising:
- Irene and others will make posters advertising Classics Society and the meeting/movie night. We need to get permission to post the fliers.
- We will generate a list of all Latin 101 and Classical Humanities courses this semester and attempt to advertise Classics Society to each class. We should get permission from the TA/professor before advertising. The goal is to talk to all the classes before the 9/20 meeting. We should collect names and email addresses from interested students when we advertise (perhaps pass around a sheet of paper) and write the blog address on the board:
- Chalking! Irene has chalk. Do we need permission?
- T-shirts
- We can sell our extra T-shirts at the first meeting
- We should have another T-shirt designed by the end of October so that it’s available before the break. September’s idea is “carpe noctem.”
- blog
- In addition to posting meeting minutes, we’ll post entries of interesting articles/this day in history/quotations/clips/etc. Forward everything to Alan
- Other event ideas:
- Weekly study nights. We can reserve a room in a library or similar for the entire semester with extra slots during finals week. At the first meeting we’ll vote on Sunday/Monday.
- Monthly game and movie nights at people’s apartments or similar. We can discuss more specific scheduling at the first meeting.
- Guest lecturer (needs to be invited by late October/early November): Professor Montiglio, Irene’s friend’s professor, other ideas?
- asking Professors Aylward or Cahill to give a tour of the Chazen
- Saturnalia
i. Irene: Sherlock Holmes solves the mystery of how the Grinch stole the costumes for the Winnie the Pooh Saturnalia play
ii. If we have the script written by mid-November-ish, we’ll have lots of time to practice.
- Mediterranean Symposium potluck
- Toga Wrapping 101
- pumpkin carving contest
- change officer names in constitution
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