Classics Society

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Salvete omnes!

I hope that everyone had a great summer and is settling into the new semester! We had a great response from the Student Organization Fair and are excited to welcome 60 new members to the Classics Society mailing list! Now that we are firmly into September, we'd like to get started with Classics Society events. Our first meeting of the semester is Tuesday, 9/20, 7:00pm-? in Vilas 4028.
We are planning lots of events for this year: movie nights, game nights (Latin Bananagrams, anyone?), weekly study nights, as well as planning some of our bigger events, like T-shirt sales, trips to the art museum, and, of course, Saturnalia.

After the meeting, we'll be watching a movie! Choices will include Troy, 300, Hercules, and Gladiator!

We hope that you can all come! Enjoy your week!

Crescentia Stegner-Freitag and Irene Smail
Classics Society

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